Age of Site: 2 months and 3 days =)
Pages built: 48
Unique visitors: 50 - 80 a day
At this point I am averaging several bucks a day with adsense...and the cost of running an SBI site is less than a buck a day.
About 90% of my visitors are finding me thru google searches... for instance, if you google the phrase best survival knife and/or best survival knives, my site is on the first page at this point.
I had NO intention of writing anything much on that topic when I started the site but I noticed that I was getting traffic for that phrase so I went with it. =)
That is what will happen no matter what topic you go with - and I am assuming if you are doing affiliate marketing that your ultimate goal is to get an SBI site =)... If you have followed my writings at all you know by now that I do not usually push anything in the line of internet marketing but I just know that if you follow the steps that SiteBuildIt lays out for you, you will have a website to be proud of in six short months!
(If you are still uncertain how this all works click here to see a short overview on SBI for you...)
Well, I am off building more content to draw more traffic! Maybe in another month I will be up to several hundred a day or even a THAT would be really cool! =)