I have been getting quite a few questions lately on what affiliate marketing is all about , especially from young moms that are wanting to make some money from home and do not have a lot, is any, money to invest into a home business...
So, I will try to give a brief outline on the term " affiliate marketing"...
I am sure we have all been to Amazon websites.... Amazon is known as the King of Affiliates as that is what it is. A place where we can buy almost anything under the sun from a variety of vendors too long to list.
Here is how it works - Amazon is only a gateway to the product itself that many people use and when we purchase products from their sites , guess where it is shipped from... not Amazon!
Guess who makes the products - NOT Amazon!
Guess who handles the products - NOT Amazon!
So, who is actually marketing the products - Amazon!
Amazon makes a commission every time we make a purchase thru their sites... affiliate marketing at it's finest!
We can do the EXACT SAME thing. Use the exact same methods. And make money.
You can do it with blogs, with websites, hubpages, Squidoo lens, any place where you can send people to...
Find affiliate products to market through places like Commission Junction, Linkshare, Amazon itself!, Clickbank and place links on your sites that are provided for you by these places and you can do the exact same thing Amazon is doing...
"But I have no idea how to get started", you may be saying.... which is why I have posted several tools that I personally feel are great to help anyone get started with affiliate marketing... you will see them scattered throughout this site here if you browse around.
Some are more advances than others but they will all help you get started... you will never be as big as Amazon, but remember they started out at some point too. Everything has to start somewhere, before it will get anywhere!